Dit kwam op mijn scherm toen ik in het cafe van een groepje Afghanen mijn blog bij wilde werken. Even dacht ik dat ik in Birma was. Het kan toch niet zo zijn dat de vermelding van Johnnie Walker en Che Guevara in mijn vorige bericht de alarmbellen hebben doen afgaan. Wordt vervolgd waar dit precies over gaat.
Ministry of Communications & IT
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Website Blocked
It is our constant endeavour to maintain the perfect balance between ensuring that all our customers' requirements are met, and that we comply with all the guidelines of the Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRAA) including those on internet content filtering.
The World Wide Web offers us great opportunities to get and share information and to communicate. However, it is imperative that when making use of this technology for its enormous benefits, we respect the moral, social and cultural values of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
ATLAS Afghanistan will be blocking all content that is not in line with these values, effective from 17 April 2010. Due to the nature of the content filtering process, some harmless sites may also inadvertently be blocked. We request our customers' assistance in informing us when a site that they consider harmless has been blocked, by writing to support@sky-stream.com so we can look into the matter.
Useful Links: MCIT | ATRAA | Atlas Afghanistan | Sky-Stream | NETLINKS | Jobs in Afghanistan